During these past 50 years we have seen some very distinct eras, identified by outstanding achievements, committed individuals and many families contributing to our success. Many of us identify with one or more of these ‘Golden Eras’ of Gold Coast Basketball.

The year was 1959, when a small group of young men gathered at the Rotary Hall in Southport and formed the first official Basketball competition on the Gold Coast. It was named the Gold Coast Amateur Basketball Association.
Fast forward fifty years and the seed that was planted that day has continued to flourish. During these past 50 years we have seen some very distinct eras, identified by outstanding achievements, committed individuals and many families contributing to our success.

Golden Era
In 1989, participants of Gold Coast Basketball were eagerly looking forward to the opening of Carrara Stadium and the launch of the Cougars/Rollers NBL franchise.
The Association was seeing a large influx of new players and the future was bright with the Golden Era of Gold Coast Basketball emerging.
At this point in history, we had grown to become the second largest and fastest growing Association in Queensland.
Fast forward fifty years and the seed that was planted that day has continued to flourish. During these past 50 years we have seen some very distinct eras, identified by outstanding achievements, committed individuals and many families contributing to our success.

The Future
In the Gold Coast competition alone this season, we have had over 150 Senior Teams and more than 100 Junior Teams participate. If we include the ‘Miniballers’, aged 5-11, who are involved in programs at Southport, Nerang, Robina, Burleigh, Reedy Creek, Palm Beach and Banora Point, we have approximately 2000 players involved from 5 to 80 years of age.
There is no doubt that these players, officials, parents and friends will look back at this era with the same fondness that many of us veterans look back to our youth.
Gold Coast Basketball Association was started in 1959. Our goal is to be a progressive sporting organisation that enhances opportunities for all members of the community to participate in basketball in a family friendly environment.