Joining A Seniors Team
Please contact admin@gccrba.com.au with which competition you’re interested in entering a team into.
We will get back to you with the availability within the competition, alternative options if the competition is full and any information needed.
Current teams do have the first right of entry into the next season, however, new team can be put on a waiting list for the next available spot.

Senior Playing Requirements
- Game fees are to be paid 20 min before the start of your game.
- Check in the players that are in attendance on the device.
- All teams must have the same singlet and the same colour playing shorts by Round 4 of the season.
- Uniform points will be awarded to the opposing team from round 4
- Both teams must supply a competent score person from each team to do bench
- Players must always abide by our Code of Conduct.
- Game disputes – please see the court controller immediately if you believe the score is incorrect, do not wait until after the game as the final score will not be amended.

Playing In Masters Competition
Players need to be 35+ to participate in the Master’s Men competition.
Master’s competition is held on Tuesday nights at Gold Coast Sports & Leisure Centre, Carrara.
Gold Coast Basketball Association was started in 1959. Our goal is to be a progressive sporting organisation that enhances opportunities for all members of the community to participate in basketball in a family friendly environment.