Senior Registration
Registration Fees
Player Registration Fees –
- Basketball QLD $82.14 (plus processing fees)
- Gold Coast Basketball Fee $55 per season
Basketball Qld membership is valid for 365 days
Gold Coast Basketball Registration fees are per competition season.
BQ membership also includes player insurance through V-Insurance group.
Registration is for players in the senior competitions within Gold Coast Basketball.
Each team within our senior competitions manage themselves. The best
way to find a team is to express your interest on our players facebook page.

Joining a Seniors Team
Please contact admin@gccrba.com.au with which competition you’re interested in entering a team into.
We will get back to you with the availability within the competition, alternative options if the competition is full and any information needed.
Current teams do have the first right of entry into the next season, however, new team can be put on a waiting list for the next available spot.
Gold Coast Basketball Association was started in 1959. Our goal is to be a progressive sporting organisation that enhances opportunities for all members of the community to participate in basketball in a family friendly environment.